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Hotel Malè


Hotel a MalèMalé is the administrative center of the Val di Sole Valley: is located in a sunny position, close to the rivers Noce and Rabbies. Malé is the commercial and cultural center of the valley.

Facing on river Noce, between the two natual parks of Stelvio and of Adamello-Brenta. Malé is the gateway to the environmental beauties of the Val di Sole Valley. Thanks to its wide touristic offer is an excellent starting point for discovering ski pists in winter in Val di Sole Valley such as Folgarida, Marilleva and Peio, while in summer is ideal for Dolomites excursions and visiting local Natural Parks.

Cantro MalèHandicrafts, commerce and cattle activities are other activities of this village with ancient origins, as demonstrated by the ancient latine place name “Maletum” (country house connected to an apple tree) and by some archaeological findings, such as a votive gravestone of the 2nd century a.C. The Church of Santa Maria dates back to 1178 while the one of S. Maria Assunta to 1500.

The Tourist Promotion Office and many sports and cultural associations are base here, among them the Centre of Studies of Val di Sole Valley, which has created the Museum of the Val di Sole Civilization.

The suburbs of Bolentina and Arnago both belong to this municipality, on 1000 metres of altitude, with beautiful churches.

The village can also count on a brand new wellness center with swimmingpool opened to both inhabitants and tourists.

Centro Malè
Vista dolomiti dalle compagne di Malè
Casa Storica a Malè
Chiesa di Malè